Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am at my wits end sometimes with my son. Sometimes having the strength to deal with it all is little to none. I get mad and want to throw the towel in and say forget it all. Here is something I know for sure, he is mad at something and takes it out on me. All I want to do is have a good day with him. I know it will happen, but it seems like it will take forever.

My one class for school is almost over. Doing good. I just feel the teacher was not being nice the last time I put something in the post for problems. Oh well could be my mood too. I knew what the assignment asked for and helped out some. I was not going to sit there and make it so easy for the rest to do, they are not thinking and the assignment was easy to read.

I have my good days and bad days. I am just me and want to have more good days then bad. I feel the need to write again so that is good. I just got to get it at the right time. I also am crocheting to help out my old job with a possible fundraiser. Scarves are being a made over here. have about 12 now. I need about 20 to 25 more for a good one.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This day brings to end, the day that I see things are getting better. It is weird cause I had two things go wrong today. Yet I am happy because my son is trying to do better. it makes me feel happy. I have gotten out of a mini bipolar spin too. Stress has a way of getting to my mood swings. Good that I notice it too. Helps me get through them somehow. Refreshed some is the word I can use right now for how I am feeling.

As for the recent surgery, I have healed pretty good over here. Considering all the things I did that I was not supposed to do, it healed just fine. Some pain where it was done. Felt like they juggled with my insides for giggles after the incision healed. I am good with that. It is funny I am sick or in pain most of the times, but I heal pretty quick.

Onto the next bit of news...I am still getting an A in my class. My next class is going to be math. Dreading math. It is not my best subject. I am going to do the best that I can and I am sticking to it.

Have a good day all. That is it for now.


Friday, February 19, 2010

I have not written in here in a long time...been neglectful because I am not sure that people are reading these. I am hoping that someone reads these because it is an insight into my mind at the moments I feel something plus a bonus of my poems too.

I have been through a lot since the last blog. I went down hill quick and went to the hospital again. It is an eye opener when you know you need the hospital to help straighten you out. It seems and feels like the pain will never end either. Probably not. I need to deal with that one as well as the mood swings I have. The never ending battles of bipolar disorder are always something for me to deal with. But I am happier at this point in time when the pain does not get me down. Have a good day all who do read this. I will try to keep it up again with the blogging. I hope that someone may learn how it is to be me.
